
Showing posts from May, 2024

‘परिवर्तनाची सुरवात स्वयंसुधारणेपासून होणे गरजेचे’

समाजातील कोणत्याही परिवर्तनाची सुरुवात ही व्यक्तिगत स्वतःपासूनच झाली पाहिजे. मानसिक स्वच्छता आणि इतरांप्रती आदर यातून पुढे बाह्य स्वच्छताही साध्य होईल, असे प्रतिपादन ‘विश्वकल्याण गुरु सेवा फाऊंडेशन’चे संचालक व प्रख्यात प्रेरक वक्ते विनायक छत्रे यांनी येथे केले. शाश्वततेचे विविध पैलू आणि आपले शहर स्वच्छ आणि शाश्वत ठेवण्यासाठी या पैलूंचे सामान्य माणसासाठी असलेले महत्व, याचा शोध घेण्यासाठी ‘अदर पूनावाला क्लीन सिटी इनिशिएटिव्ह’तर्फे (एपीसीसीआय) नुकतेच  'क्लीन सिटी टॉक्स' ही चर्चासत्रांची विशेष मालिका सुरू करण्यात आली आहे. या उपक्रमाची सुरुवात श्री. छत्रे यांच्या ‘शाश्वतता आणि नेतृत्व’ या विषयावरील भाषणाने झाली. याप्रसंगी ‘एपीसीसीआय’चे मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी  कृष्णन कोमंडूर, मुख्य कामकाज अधिकारी  मल्हार करवंदे, आणि लीड व्हॉलेंटियर सत्या नटराजन उपस्थित होते. विनायक छत्रे हे एक प्रख्यात प्रेरक वक्ते असून पुण्यात सिद्ध समाधी कार्यक्रम सुरु करण्यात त्यांचा महत्वाचा वाटा  आहे, तसेच शिक्षकांसाठी असलेल्या प्रशिक्षण उपक्रमातही ते सहभागी आहेत. ते ‘फोर्बाको सिस्टम्स अँड कॉम्प्य

River Side Cleaning – A Priority In Urban Waste Management

Rivers are the lifeblood of our planet, nurturing a diverse array of species and providing essential resources for both nature and humanity. However, these invaluable waterways face numerous threats, including pollution, waste accumulation, and neglect. That's why it is crucial to prioritize the regular cleaning and maintenance of river banks. River banks serve as vital habitats for a wide range of plants and animals, from fish and birds to insects. Neglecting the cleaning of these areas can result in the buildup of trash, debris, and pollutants, which can harm or even devastate these delicate ecosystems. By consistently cleaning river banks, we can contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and safeguard the delicate balance of these natural habitats. Trash and debris that accumulate along river banks often find their way into the water, leading to pollution and the contamination of aquatic ecosystems. Plastics, chemicals, and other pollutants not only degrade w

Transformation should start with self improvement

Any transformation in society should start with individual self. Mental cleanliness and  respect for others will lead to outer cleanliness too, opined well known motivational speaker Mr.Vinayak Chhatre,Director  Vishwakalyan Guru Seva Foundation.  Adar Poonawalla Clean City Initiative (APCCI)  on Saturday launched a special series 'Clean City Talks' which will explore various aspects of sustainability and what it means for a common man to keep our city clean and sustainable . Kick starting the initiative was Mr.Vinayak Chhatre who spoke about Sustainability and Leadership. Mr.Krishnan Komandur, CEO APCCI,Mr.Malhar Karwande, COO APCCI and  Mr.Sathya Natarajan, Lead Volunteer APCCI were present on the occasion .    Mr. Vinayak Chhatre has been a leading motivational speaker, initiator of Siddha Samadhi programs and has been involved in training activities for teachers. He is the  Managing Director, Forbaco Systems and Computer Services P. Ltd.     Mr.Chhatre said t