
Showing posts from June, 2024

Volunteering Opportunities During the Rainy Season

If you are considering volunteering, now is an excellent time to get involved. The rainy season has arrived, bringing with it a plethora of green activities. These activities range from seed ball making to plantation drives and more. The rains provide the perfect conditions for planting and nurturing new life, making it an ideal time for environmental initiatives. This season also coincides with the re-opening of schools. As children return to their classrooms, there are numerous advocacy sessions focused on cleanliness, garbage management and biodiversity. These sessions are crucial for educating the younger generation about the importance of maintaining a clean and green environment. Various NGOs, community services and even common citizens organize these sessions, making it a collaborative effort. There is a wide array of volunteering activities planned by different organizations. From planting trees to conducting cleanliness drives, there is something for everyone.

परिसंस्था जतन प्रकल्पांची योजना व अमंलबजावणी करण्यासाठी ठिकाणांची परिसंस्था समजून घेणे आवश्यक :- डॉ.एराक भरूचा

परि संस्था  जतन    (इकोरिस्टोरे शन) करण्यासाठी एका विशिष्ट जागी आधीपासून असलेली परिसंस्था समजून घेणे व नैसर्गिकता जपून जैवविविधतेची पुनर्निर्मिती करणे ही परिसंस्था   पुनर्स्था पनेची गुरूकिल्ली आहे,असे मत प्रख्यात पर्यावरण व जैवविविधता तज्ञ डॉ.एराक भरूचा यांनी व्यक्त केले. अदर पुनावाला क्लिनिक सिटी इनिशिएटिव्ह (एपीसीसीआय) तर्फे शाश्वततेचे विविध पैलू जाणून घेण्यासाठी सुरू केलेला क्लीन सिटी टॉक्स च्या दुसऱ्या सत्रात ते बोलत होते.डॉ.भरूचा यांनी रोट्रॅक्ट क्लब ऑफ औंध स्मार्ट सिटीच्या युवा सदस्यांशी संवाद साधला.याप्रसंगी एपीसीसीआयचे मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी कृष्णन कोमांडूर,मुख्य कामकाज अधिकारी मल्हार करवंदे आणि लीड वॉलेंटिअर सत्या नटराजन उपस्थित होते. याप्रसंगी औंध येथील नदीकाठावर करत असलेल्या स्वच्छतेसाठी रोट्रॅक्ट क्लब ऑफ औंध स्मार्ट सिटीच्या सदस्यांचा सत्कार करण्यात आला. डॉ.भरूचा पुढे म्हणाले की,     परि संस्था  जतन     (इकोरिस्टोरे शन) हे एक शास्त्र बनले आहे,ज्याला रिवाईल्डींग असे म्हणतात. मानवी हस्तक्षेपामुळे विविध परिसंस्थांमध्ये बदल झाले आहेत. एखाद्या विशिष्ट ठिकाणचा भूभाग,त

Need to understand the ecosystem to plan and implement eco-restoration projects- Dr. Erach Bharucha

Understanding what the ecosystem was in the first place and recreating biological diversity in all its naturalness is the key to proper eco-restoration opined Dr. Erach Bharucha, veteran in environmental education and biodiversity. He was speaking at the second session of ‘Clean City Talks’, an initiative by ‘Adar Poonawalla Clean City’ (APCCI) to explore various aspects of sustainability.   Dr. Bharucha interacted with a young audience from Rotaract Club of Aundh Smart City and team members of APCCI . Mr. Krishnan Komadur, CEO, APCCI, Mr. Malhar Karwande,COO,APCCI and Mr. Sathya Natarajan, Lead Volunteer, APCCI were present on the occasion.   Members of Rotaract Club of Aundh Smart City were felicitated for their relentless work of riverside cleaning at Aundh.   Dr. Bharucha added that Eco restoration has become a science which is called rewilding. The ecosystems have been altered by human activities.  We need to have a vision, understanding of the landscape history of th

This Environment Day, let us pledge for best waste management practices

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th every year to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage global action to protect the planet. It serves as a reminder for us to reflect on our relationship with the environment and take steps towards sustainable living. One crucial aspect of environmental conservation is waste management. Proper waste management plays a significant role in preserving the environment, and its importance cannot be overstated.   In an era of rapid industrialization and urbanization, waste management has become a pressing concern. The improper disposal of waste can lead to pollution of land, water bodies, and air, resulting in severe consequences for the environment.   Cleanliness is closely linked to waste management and plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy environment. When waste is not managed efficiently, it accumulates in public spaces, pollutes the surroundings, and poses a threat to both humans and wildlife. Littere