Saving The Magical Earth Beneath Us

WORLD SOIL DAY- 5 December

Saving the magical earth beneath us


Human health and human survival depend on the food we eat. The quality of the food depends on the fertility of the soil.  It is one of the most important and essential natural resources we have. Soil pollution affects fertility and jeopardizes food security. The presence of toxic substances causes soil pollution. Some of the contaminants occur naturally, but most of it is a result of human activities. The way we manage our waste, be it solid, wet or e-waste directly affects the environment and the earth beneath. World Soil Day is celebrated every year on  5th December to highlight the importance of soil health and it’s role in a sustainable future.

Waste management and soil are two interrelated subjects that have a significant impact on our environment. For years we have been indifferent towards this core issue. Soil is the very foundation of food generation, it provides clean water and is crucial to our survival. But with the humongous amount of waste generated the pollution in the soil, in the air and the overall environment is becoming overwhelming. Natural habitats, and biodiversity are being lost due to this apathy. The pollutant pressure on the soil has reached critical limits.

Rapid economic growth, increased spending power, heavy industrialization and rapidly increasing urbanization are a reality in today’s world. While all these things bring prosperity, they also increase production and consumption. It is time to invest in saving our natural resources as well, investing not necessarily in terms of money, but also in actionable activities including producing and consuming more environment-friendly products and adhering to the 3R principle from an individual point of view. The action starts simply at home by segregating the waste in wet and dry and disposing of e-waste to the authorized waste collection organization. One can also compost the kitchen waste. Participating in volunteering activities will make things even better as citizens' participation is a key to achieving any goal. These may look like small steps but can go a long way to prevent thousands of tons of unwanted waste from being dumped in landfills or eventually landing in rivers or oceans.

Our world can be a better place if we can help protect our environment, preserve our natural resources, and create a healthier and more sustainable future for generations to come.

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