Triple planetary crisis and waste management at home
Triple Planetary Crisis is a term and framework adopted by the United Nations system to describe the three intersecting global environmental crises of pollution, climate crisis, biodiversity loss and/or ecological crisesThe UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Science Council (ISC) have produced reports on this issue. Critical global shifts are accelerating a triple planetary crisis according to the new Global Foresight Report produced by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Science Council (ISC) released in July 2024 ( 2024/07/1152136 ) . Together, they are creating a so-called polycrisis in which global crises are amplifying and synchronizing – with huge implications for human and planetary wellbeing. Most of the challenges related to the environment today are interconnected and threaten to damage our ecosystems, affect human health and ultimately the global economy, well-being and sustainabi...